Business energy consumers

Why should you be using EnDCo?

Because for net energy consumers, we can save at least 10% of your electricity cost.

Does this sound too good to be true? Well, this is how we do it:

With EnDCo, you will pay for the power what we pay for the power. So when wholesale prices drop, so does your electricity bill.

But what if the wholesale energy price goes up? Well EnDCo will just lock in your price with a longer contract.


As the electricity market price drops, so EnDCo can keep your power contracts short in duration to follow the price down, as shown for the first four periods, but when the market price starts to rise steadily, EnDCo can lock in for the longer term making your power price independent from the market price hike, as in periods 5 to 11.

How long contracts are, triggers on market prices and other parameters are all discussed and agreed before trading starts, based on your requirements, risk appetite, and an in-depth analysis of your power usage.

The graph shows a simple scenario. It is also possible to split your portfolio as well as sell and buy back multiple contracts for the same time period, so we can react and adjust your contract position even though there is already a longer term contract in place.

We will tailor a solution to meet your individual needs.

Please contact us to discuss your own portfolio and requirements.